To Accomplish Great Things, We Must Not Only Act, But Also Dream; Not Only Plan, But Also Believe
-Anatole France-

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pizza for everyone. =)

Not too long ago, I made a promise to myself. Actually it's more like a vow. If I do pass my EOS 5, I would buy some kids lunch as a treat. And that is the exact thing I did today.

I bought 10 boxes of pizza, 5 boxes of ice cream and dropped them off at Agathians Shelter, an orphanage at Section 8 PJ. Why did I do that? Well, I believe that when something good happens to me, I would like to share it with someone else. I will share my happiness with the les fortunate. As I have mentioned sometimes back, the joy of making another happy is much more than the joy of self indulgence. You know what to now. Go out and spread some happiness. =)


  1. wow,thats so charitable of you.

    admire ur charitable heart..

  2. hey good on you! :D

    I sure hope u informed the orphanaged earlier about the delivery. Won't want the food to go to waste in case there's too much. :p

    But good attempt! It's the intention that counts!

  3. haha yes ser ley. i informed them earlier. =)
