To Accomplish Great Things, We Must Not Only Act, But Also Dream; Not Only Plan, But Also Believe
-Anatole France-

Monday, June 8, 2009

Gym. (Finally =p)

After months and months of inactivity, I finally went to the gym today. Not wanting to pay gym fees, I wnt to the one gym that I paid but hardly used, IMU Gym. haha Yupe. i finally got my lazy butt moving.

I also got a new pair of running shoes. Finally I got myself a proper pair of shoe. Not that my previous pair was bad, it costs RM60 and served me through semester 1-5. But, it is kinda old and does not support my legs well. i don't wanna injure myself and pay heavier consequences hence the new shoes. =)

I also watched X-Men Origins today. Yes its more than a month since its release. I was preparing for exams then and watching movie was way off my to do list. Moments ago, I finished watching Confessions of A Shopaholic. My sister asked me to watch with her. It's quite a good show. The evil truth behind credit cards.

By the way, what is the most powerful word in English. 4 alphabet. S-A-L-E. Don't you think so? It stands out, catches your attention regardless of what your doing and even have the power of making many people buy things they do not need. Impressive what 4 alphabets can do. Don't you think?


  1. Hey, u just came in when I was watching COAS and watch it kononya I yang suruh you tengok lols.......
    [ignore the bm. i've gotta admit hanging out with malay friends influenced me a little lol]

  2. yeah yeah.. but i did watch it with u k. =)
