To Accomplish Great Things, We Must Not Only Act, But Also Dream; Not Only Plan, But Also Believe
-Anatole France-

Friday, May 29, 2009

Port Dickson May 09

These are the pictures from our Port Dickson trip last week. We drove 3 cars down to PD and had BBQ on the beach near Sri Malaysia (can't remember the name of the beach). More pictures on the way.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Susan Boyle

Ever heard of Susan Boyle? No? Neither have I until 10 minutes ago. I'm not a big fan of talent shows and generally do not follow American Idol, Malaysian Idol and the other dozens of talent shows.

However, any1 who watches Britain's Got Talent would definately remember Susan Boyle. Just like Simon Cowell, her appeareance did not impress me at 1st, but when she sang. Now thats what you call talent. She had a standing ovation and all the judges were amazed by her talent. Indeed, she lived up to her nickname " The Woman Who Shut Up Simon Cowell"

Its Over!!

This post is probably a couple of days late. I was celebrating my freedom. hahaha EOS is finally over. Finally, I do not have an exam shadowing me, lecture notes to study, PBL to research on and no more long hours in the library. It sure feels good.

The night after our final OSCE paper we went to watch a movie and have dinner at Midvalley. It felt like ages since i last went there. We watched Angels and Demons and ate at Carl's Jr. After that, we went to Luna Bar. The 2nd day i went to the gym, which I have abandoned for more study time and also L4D with Ek Guan.

Results will be out this Friday and if all goes well (ie. I pass) I will be having 3 months break before starting Phase 2 at Seremban Clinical School.

I always compare studying medicine as a sailor going to sea. Up till now, I have been a sailor learning how to go to sea. In August, I will finally be able to go to sea. To see real patients in a real hospital scene, that's what we have all been waiting for.

To study the phenomena of disease without book is to sail and uncharted sea, while to study books without patients is not to go to sea at all.
Sir William Osler (1849-1919)