To Accomplish Great Things, We Must Not Only Act, But Also Dream; Not Only Plan, But Also Believe
-Anatole France-

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day. To all mothers (especially mine), Happy Mother's Day. =)
Mothers are the most selfless people in the world. They can sacrifice anything for their children. Nothing is too much to ask for. They never complain, they never whine and they are always ready to give. Starting from the 9 months we were conceived in her womb till the very end of our lives, our mother will always be there for us. Perhaps we should do more for our mother's in return.

How did you celebrate your mother today? Whatever you did, I'm sure it your mother will be happy. Mother's are easily contented. All they wish is for their children to be safe, grow up and show love and care for them. It is not hard at all. The important thing is to do this everyday, 365 days a year and not just on Mother's Day.

Love your mother everyday. Do not wait till May to do so because Everyday Is Mother's Day.

Love you always mum. =)

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