To Accomplish Great Things, We Must Not Only Act, But Also Dream; Not Only Plan, But Also Believe
-Anatole France-

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Case of Medical Malpractise

I have a case for you to ponder on. A 37 year old woman is undergoing a surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy in her colon. During the bleeding, she starts bleeding out of control. Her attending doctor is paged multiple times. However, he chose to ignore the calls and went home instead. My question is, Is this considered malpractice? Seriously. Think about it and tell me. Is that malpractice? I'll bet all my money that it is.

Okay. This is not a real case. I just watched it on House MD. Yes, its just a drama (a dumb one if you ask me. I'll get back to that later) If a REAL doctor were to do this in real life, would that cause him to be sued for malpractice? If you ask me, I say he's in a very hot soup.

Since its "Dr" House, he obviously does not get malpractice suits. How nice it is to be a doctor like House. Just be an asshole and never get sued. Come on, I don get it how people can watch this series. I can't take his nonsense anymore, and I only watched a handful of episodes. If i were to be one of his patient, there's 2 things I will do to him. I will either sue him or I will just blow up his big-fat-egoistic-head with a dynamite.

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