To Accomplish Great Things, We Must Not Only Act, But Also Dream; Not Only Plan, But Also Believe
-Anatole France-

Monday, June 14, 2010

Idiotic Days

There are days that can really make you feel like a complete brainless, idiotic retarded idiot. That would be the day you feel small and useless. You will feel like giving up. It feels like there's no hope and no point. At times you are belittled by yr own actions. But most of the time its what others do. I'm definitely having one of this moment right now.

But i cannot give up. I'm tougher than this. I'm better than this. Yet I wonder. How? How do I pull through this? I really feel like dropping everything and just give up. But I cannot do so. I cannot give up now. If I give up now, I will be screwed forever. So how does one survive? I'm about to explode. Or breakdown. Or throw a kid out the window (hypothetically not literally). I wish I knew the answer................

Do I try to read the 3000 word book, fail to complete it and fail or should I stick to my thinner books and also fail? Either way, I don't see the difference. The end result is a failure. I am so gonna fail my Paediatric Posting. Clinical and Theory. Damn.